Boosting Conversion

Improve Your User Experience with Google Analytics

This article has been cross-published on Inside AdSense Blog.

I’ll take a look today at how you can improve your user experience with Google Analytics. Google Analytics gives you the insights you need to understand current user experience, as well as how the traffic to your site is influenced by social media. The following reports help you understand why site speed is important for an improved user experience, how to spot pages bringing the most AdSense revenue, and how to refine your social media strategy measuring the impact social media has on your site goals.
1. Improve user experience by improving site speed
Faster pages lead to better user experience and improved conversions. The Site Speed reports in Google Analytics give you detailed data on the speed of your site pages, as experienced by your users. Ensuring page load speeds times are below the average can help you differentiate your site. Analyze and speed up your site using PageSpeed products, and check the resulting improvements in Site Speed reports.
2. Use the AdSense Pages report to discover which pages help you earn the most
The AdSense Pages report provides data about which pages on your site contribute most to your AdSense revenue. With the insights from this data, you can replicate successful implementations on well performing pages on other parts of your site.
3. Use the social traffic sources report to refine your social media strategy
Social buzz is very important for many publishers to build their audience and retain loyalty and engagement. Social reports in Google Analytics help you measure the impact social media has on your business goals and conversions. With this report, you can track the number of visitors that social media channels bring to your site, measure the value of those channels by tracking conversions and AdSense revenue, and examine how your content is being shared across social networks. You can access Social reports under the Acquisition section in Google Analytics.
To help you understand user experience on your site, I’ve created a custom Social Dashboard and Site Speed Dashboard for you to download. Once downloaded, just select which profile you’d like to import. You can access this dashboard any time by clicking ‘Dashboards’ under the Reporting tab in your Analytics account.